The image is a collection of three maps in the region of Mozambique, specifically highlighting the northern town of Palma. This region has been the target of jihadist activity since March 24.
On the first map on the left side, you can see various country labels including Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa. Mozambique is highlighted with a specific focus on Palma and Pemba. An inset map is added to the top right to showcase where this is located. The scale bar on this map is 200 km.
In the middle map Gas Fields offshore area 1 are marked with a dark blue shape, on the right side of Palma. Other important marks such as Mozambique LNG and Afungi Peninsula are also marked. On the bottom right of this map Cabo Delgado is marked. This map has a scale bar of 30 km.
On the right side you can see satellite imagery including the Amarula hotel and the airport of Palma, as well as a scale bar of 500 meters to put it in perspective.