The image is a detailed map of Paris and surrounding areas, focusing on the Seine and Loing Rivers flooding. Specific cities and towns such as Paris, Senna, Mancha, Orleans, and Longjumeau are marked.
The map illustrates the potential inundation areas and the gravity of the situation is underlined by highlights of evacuation and other preventive measures.
Notable information includes the fact that more than 20,000 people have been evacuated as a safety measure against the rising water levels of the Seine River, making this one of the largest crests in the past 30 years, thereby requiring immediate attention and proper risk management for the concerned areas.
As we can see in the legend on the left, all yellow areas on the map refer to areas with a high flood risk. The dark purple lines on the map are those with major flooding, and the lighter purple lines refer to localized flooding.
Other labels on the map are the water label for the Atlantic Ocean and Mancha, as well as country labels for Belgium and Luxembourg. A scale bar at the bottom left of the map indicates 100 kilometers.