This image is a map of Holzweiler, with a focus on the church on Niederstraße and surrounding area. On the right side of the image, there is a photograph of the church with the title ‘’Holzweiler Kirchturm’’.
The title of the map states: Native plants should be protected from noise, light, and dust from Garzweiler II opencast mine. On the map on the left, you can see the icon placed on the location of the church as well as various colored lines or routes. In the legend on the left, you can see what these represent.
According to the legend (from top to bottom), the solid green stands for the immission protection wall, the pattern green visualizes immission control planting, the lighter striped green is the temporary gap, the dotted yellow is the immission protection wall, the blue line is the operating road and lastly the red line is a distance line, marking 400 meters.
Other labels on the map include Kofferer Straße and Landstraße (12 and 19).