This image is a map of Japan, specifically emphasizing the Shinkansen, the high-speed train network operated by Japan Railways.
The map marks the railway routes from Tokyo in the middle all the way to Hakodate in the upper right corner or Kagoshima in the bottom left. It labels significant cities such as Kyoto, Okayama, Kanazawa, and Osaka along the railway routes.
A legend is added on the bottom right of this map to distinguish the different routes of the Shinkansen, including Hokkaido Shinkansen, Tohoku Shinkansen, Hokuriku Shinkansen, Tokaido Shinkansen, Sanyo Shinkansen, and Kyushu Shinkanse.
Water labels with the Pacific Ocean and the Japanese lake are noted in the map. Distance markers in kilometers are present, including a specific notation for “3776 m” indicating the height of Mt. Fuji, which is labeled on the map. An icon was added on top of Tokyo, visualizing the location of the airport.