The image is a political map of the Middle East that focuses on indicating proposed humanitarian corridors from Turkey to Iraq through Syria, marked with a number 1. An alternative route from Iraq to other locations is also illustrated, marked with number 2.
The countries shown on the map include Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Iran. Key cities like Aleppo, Kobane, Erbil, Mosul, Kirkuk, Azaz, Raqqa, Homs, Tikrit, Beirut, Damascus, Baghdad, Jerusalem, and Amman are labeled on the map.
The map employs different shades that distinguish between various regions or territorial holdings. There’s a legend on the map indicating the control of different regions, denoting groups as follows: Kurds in yellow, Isil in gray, Rebels marked in green and Loyalists in red. Regions are colored based upon this legend.
The scale bar in the bottom right of the map indicates 100 miles.