This image is a travel map of Helsinki, Finland, marking some of the POI’s in the area. These points of interest include, (according to the legend from top to bottom), mountain hill Heta, shop around, restaurant, school, move and refresh yourself.
The mountain hill Heta (a hotel), marked on the map as Vuorikummun Heta is highlighted with a text box including the location address – Vähäntuvantie 7a, Helsinki.
Other labels on the map include road number 120, road number 101 and water label Mätäjoki. There are also two industrial areas marked on the map (Ruosilankujan Teollisuusalue & Muonamiehentien Teollisuusalue)
Street names on the map include Muuri Mestarintie, Vihdintie, Pelimannintie, Ruosilantie, Pasuunat and others.