The image is a map highlighting the wildfires that occurred in Malibu, California (US) in 2018.
On top of the map there is a description explaining that the large fires in California have been destroying forests, houses and lives. It also includes Hollywood celebrities villa’s going up in flames. In the legend below this explanatory text you can see that the red color represents affected buildings. Here you can also find the yellow color referring to the burnt areas.
Labels have been added on top of the map to showcase certain locations such as the Malibu Hills, Agoura Hills and Cornell. Larger location labels include Malibu, Los Angeles, California, Ventura and the Pacific Ocean. There have also been labels added to state during which time these events were taking place, from November 9th, 2018 until November 11th that same year.
A scale bar has been added to the top left to give perspective to this news story. An inset map in the shape of the United States was added on the bottom left of this map, visualizing where in the United States California and Malibu are located.