The image is a map illustrating the potential devastating effects of a nuclear explosion over Berlin. The imagery features a map of Berlin with three concentric radius circles signifying the potential impact zones from the hypothetical explosion’s epicenter, extending outwards 5, 12.5, and 26 kilometers. The three radius circles all have a different color, to highlight the area within that radius.
Specific locations around and within Berlin are labeled. The image also contains textual information in German, providing explanations about various aspects of this hypothetical disaster scenario. These explanations are marked from A – D on the map depending on how close to the explosion they were. These markers stand for situations such as “Center of the explosion”, “Druckwelle: 2 km”, “Hitzewelle: 9 km”, and ‘’Druckwelle: 14km’’. The top portion of the image contains the header “Beirut’s devastating explosion over Berlin”.