The image is an infographic that contains a detailed map of Syria, showing areas affected by chemical attacks and the regions controlled by different parties.
It specifically pinpoints the location of a significant chemical attack in Syria involving sarin gas on April 4th, where at least 87 civilians, including 31 children, lost their lives. The infographic includes text detailing a UN Security Council vote where Russia and China vetoed a resolution for Syria to cooperate with an investigation into the chemical attacks.
The text also explains the nature of the nerve agent SARIN, how it affects the human body, and mentions the chemical weapon being used by various countries including Russia, Egypt, and the United States. Notable features of the infographic are the black and white color scheme with a red border around Syria’s map, and a section that confirms the use of sarin via tests in Turkey.
Additional information on the map shows related cities such as Aleppo and Idlib, and areas under different controls like those of the Syrian government, rebel allies, and Kurdish forces. The infographic has a somber atmosphere, reflecting the serious implications of the chemical weapon usage in Syria.