This image is a detailed map of the terroristic attacks in Belgium. Brussels airport and Maelbeek metro station are highlighted as key locations associated with attacks that took place on March 22.
The map is split up in three different parts. On the left, we can see a smaller map showing how far the two attacks are apart. Other labels on the inset map include a label for Paris, Brussels, Molenbeek, Forest, Schaerbeek and a water label for the Senne. There is a scale bar for 2 km in this map.
The top map on the right zooms into the attack at Brussels International Airport in Zaventem, showing where the Passenger terminal is located in the airport and that this is where the attack / explosion took place. There is a scale bar for 500 meters in this map.
The map below zooms into the attack / explosion at Maelbeek Metro station. There are also other Metro stations marked on the map with an M icon, and POI’s in the area are the Federal parliament, Prime minister’s residence, the European Commission, the Council of Europe, the Palais Royal, Parc de Bruxelles and lastly the European Parliament. There is a scale bar indicating 200 meters.